Namgyal Institute of Tibetology is a great way to get acquainted with Tibetan culture, its a Tibet Museum. Regarded as the highest seat of learning amongst the Mahayana scholars, this Institute was built in 1958 and is a famous global center for the study of Buddhist philosophy and religion today.
It houses the world’s largest collected works and rare manuscripts on the theme of Mahayana Buddhism. Apart from this collection, the museum has more than 200 Buddhist icons, antique paintings, thangkas, statues, shrines, tapestries, masks and other religious works of Tibetan Art.
The Institute also has in its keep around 30,000 volumes; most of them in the form of xylographs. Xylographs are document prints on wooden slabs with matter imprinted on them. It also has translations of the original teachings of the Lord Buddha and discourses by eminent Buddhist scholars from all parts of the world.
Visitors can also buy Buddhist religious books and Tibetan crafts from the Institute.
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